Beware not to confuse your life's calling with your niche....
It is very important to distinguish these two, as though they go hand in hand, but also, play two different parts or roles in your life.

I so much believe in giving people options in life, nothing has to be one way, except perhaps the most important decisions in life, however when it comes to discovering yourself, everybody should be given options, as we are all unique and different and for this there is no norm., 

Can you imagine your life with the same perspective as everyone else? What a nightmare that would be to the senses or perception!
Though what you dream of becoming in life can very well determine where you are headed, it cannot confirm the path to be taken there.
Know this, your determination and even more so your will to do so is what will get you ahead in life.
Not to undermine effort, rather I pose this as a small highlight to ensure it is good enough to get you started in the right direction.

Knowing what your capable of and what your good at is a good starting point, as your Niche will usually be what your good at, and your life's goal, or major achievement, what your capable of in perhaps the same area, with a greater level of expertise.

Your Niche is nothing other than what you're great at doing right now in this very moment of your life....people like to pose the question as a trivial one.
One that I believe should not be asked in this manner due to the confusion it generates in the majority of people.  That question is as follows..
Have you found your Niche? Think about an area where you can take advantage of a situation, then sell yourself as the solution. Good for Business, Internet Marketing, etc... 
Great suggestion after the question, however that just stresses the reader or person listening to think in a scale so big, anything can fit in between where the mind is running towards. 
On the other hand, How about a more precise or particular approach, to the same question....

This realization came to me as sudden as a simple thought after many days and even months of thinking in what area could I apply all of my talents and random things I was good at to.
And Voila', there it was like as a mental slap in the face...Right under my nose!

My talents if picked at or looked upon individually, were very confusing towards thinking of how to narrow down a particular niche.
 But in general they all pointed in the same direction,

What was I writing about, posting videos on You Tube of, and writing comments or thoughts on Facebook about?

My life goal was to help people, ( very general and non specific) although, powerful and rooted into my nature...Perhaps eventually a Motivational/inspirational speaker, but Exactly on What?  

Then the mental slap hit me with an absurd simplicity....I give advice!  Period! Nothing more to it....I enjoy it, practice it, and have been doing it for as long as I remember. With recurring people in my life and people whom I've basically just met.    So to my enlightenment, simplicity in thought came to be as my most revealing truth.   My niche is not something to be researched about, profoundly explored or something to even take so much time of my thoughts or thinking process....Your niche is none other than the spontaneous talent, interest, focal point, and reason that moves you presently!  

How come people have not been able to break it down so simply before?    Yes, they have mentioned, it is something you're an expert on, but how to go about finding it, has been poorly directed.    And does it go hand in hand with your life's goal, mission or calling? Absolutely!

You eventually, categorize what you do on a larger scale and BAM!

There you go... Usually what you ultimately desire to be. However, when you have finally become aware of what your Niche' is, that will inevitably take you to the position in which you choose to portray it.

Whether this be your good at clothes styling- future fashionista,designer
giving advice-book writer,public speaker
putting on makeup-cosmetologist, make up artist
drawing-artist, designer
being nice to people-volunteer for charity, spokesperson or advocate for the needy
network marketer- person to change many peoples income or lives

I hope you get the point, the higher expectations or desires usually come to be as a result of knowing exactly what you are good or great at today, and can become an icon, or Go To person for your area of expertise in a tomorrow.

Sometimes the very things were are actually great at are not under one particular and obvious title. But to your advantage finding what it is can be very much right under your nose.

Now, how do we tie the Niche to the purpose you might have and and making some profit from it?
Use the power the internet provides you, with social media forums, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Google, blogs...etc.... Get yourself known by exposing yourself diligently everyday.

The more people that can see you the better!

Get yourself an online account, open one in Pay pal or pay per click etc....

If you can create a website or blog page to direct your readers or viewers to.

Also writing can be so powerful to some, if you can and have the ability to write on the subject than go ahead and get determined to write a short book you can sell or market.

Remember people will buy two things from you, products or services, but it is how you portray the need for these by selling your point of view/attitude that will get it done.  This is where the suggestion of adding value to whatever it is that your are marketing, representing or selling comes into play.

You are to get your point through in a very thorough yet simple way.  From A to B.
And although you may be clueless as to how this will come to be, remember all who have started a business venture online have first encountered this very question.
Think of it as phase 1.  Phase 2 will be exposure and phase 3 will be the sells.

Any additional skills you can learn from people in your existing market is of much help, do seek to find the competition, but not to copy rather to study what you can add to enhance the expectation of the buyers need.
Always having in mind the grand necessity of the buyers demand, their interest and likeability of yourself will usually seal the deal for many.